Friday, September 22, 2006

Church Hunting

I guess it is time to find a church.

This is going to be difficult.

My weird neurology has meant that most "traditional" churches don't much appeal to me. Sitting in a service makes me squirm (I have problems with auditory processing.), but I can deal with that. I don't like early morning services, but evening services are relatively rare. So I am likely going to have to settle for a church that meets at 11am on Sunday mornings.

I live in a Latino neighborhood, which means that I am going to have to travel if I am going to find a church that conducts services in English. Public transportation being what it is in Chicago, getting to church is going to be difficult.

I really wish that more churches had websites. It would make it much easier for me to evaluate a church before visiting.

I am feeling like I did back when I was single and looking to date. I didn't like the process then, and I don't like it now.


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